Monday, January 26, 2009

Join Us For Our Yummy Fundraiser

Elder Approved!

by Alyssa

I am happy to announce that our trip to Ecuador has been accepted as an official missions trip of EABC. If you would like to donate to the Food 4 Puyo Projects you may send your checks to
East Auburn Baptist Church
560 Park Ave.
Auburn, ME 04210.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Why We Are Going

by Danielle

What we really want to do is bring people hope. This word “Hope” is a word we are still trying to fully comprehend. We know that it’s not easy to tell people that there is hope when they have so little here on earth. But that’s the awesome part! Our hope is not in the things of this world but our hope is in a never-ending life with God! Once someone accepts Jesus as their personal savior they receive the Holy Spirit; they receive God’s grace and His mercy; and they are filled with a new found HOPE!

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living HOPE through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to obtain an inheritance which is imperishable and undefiled and will not fade away, reserved in heaven for you (1 Peter 1:3-4).

When we are a child of God, we have hope in God’s loyal unconditional love and His immense compassion and concern for us! His blessings are new every morning, which proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that He is faithful to us and always meets our needs!

The Lord’s loving kindnesses indeed never cease, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness. “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I have HOPE in Him.” The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to the person who seeks Him (Lamentations 3:22-25).

We ask for your prayers as we prepare all the details for our trip. Please be praying that God would strengthen us and unite us even more as a team. God is going to do a work not only in our lives but also in the lives of those we will come in contact with. Pray for strength and safety. Pray that our focus would constantly be on God so that we may accomplish that which He has sent us to do.

What We Will Be Doing

by Danielle

We are going to Ecuador!! Food for Puyo!! Hope Now!! The Three-headed Monster!! What does this all mean!?

It wasn’t until after the New York mission’s trip (Alyssa lead and Efra and I Co-lead) that we realized how well we all work together. “We are a three-headed monster,” we would joke—meaning we function so much better when we have our two other heads! What one-person lacks the other makes up for—how amazingly God works all together for the good! God has really given us each a desire to help people and to give a hope that can only come from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. After going to New York to see and speak with those on the streets we really felt God calling us to reach out to those who feel there is no hope. God tugged at our hearts and gave us a desire to help those in need in Ecuador. SO…from March 6th to March 17th Efra, Alyssa, and I will travel to the city of Puyo, Ecuador.
What will we be doing there you may ask? Many people have homes in Ecuador but not enough money to feed their families so our goal is to reach as many families as we can in the two-week span. For only 30 dollars we can help feed a family of 4 or 5 for a week! Think about that! Here in the U.S. we can spend 30 dollars on two people at a restaurant for just one meal! We are hoping to feed at least 10 families. We will bring them the food and then sit down to a meal with them to share the gospel with them.

We will also be teaching English while we are in Puyo. The cool thing about this is that we are going to be reaching two classes of people. We will be helping and ministering to the poor when we visit and bring them food and we will be ministering to the “rich” when we teach English. In Ecuador, usually only rich people go to classes to learn English because they have the money to do it. Our classes will obviously be free but the people who are more apt to come are those who have money. We will be using bible stories to help teach English—so we will have them learn and read right from the bible! What an awesome way to get someone into the word of God! Our hope is to be able to buy at least 20 bilingual Bibles so that our students can have not only a bible to bring home with them but also the English version so that they can keep learning.

We also would like to be able to visit a Daycare/Orphanage in Quito. On our first trip to Ecuador We will let you know more as God leads! we were able to fill the Daycare’s food pantry and we want to be able to help them again! This idea is still in the making!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

His Compassion, Our Commission

by Alyssa

In the past I never thought God would or was calling me to South America, yet here am I only 6 weeks away from taking my second trip to Ecuador with in a year's time. It's remarkable of how God as taken me to this point. I was nine when I first gave my life to the Lord. I remember praying, "here I am, Lord. Send me." I didn't know what He would do with my prayer at the time but with child-like faith I trusted Him. Today, I see God's hand leading me to surrender even more and to allow Him to work in my life. I still don't know how God will continue to use me but I say, "here I am." The prayer of my heart can be expressed in a song written by a staff member, Dick Grout, of Elim Bible Institute where I attended college. I will leave you with that :-)
His compassion, our commission.
Reveal to me Your heart for the nations.
His compassion, our commission. As I follow You, send me.

I don't know where this yes will lead me,
but I am saying yes to You, I want to obey.
Yes, I love You. Yes, I trust You. Yes, I'll follow You all the way.

His compassion, our commission.
Reveal to me Your heart for the nations.
His compassion, our commission. As I follow You, send me.

Monday, January 12, 2009

First Entry

Welcome to our blog...

Authors: Alyssa, Danielle, and Efra